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Hogwarts, A Future

Sixteen Years After the War has Ended, Two Wizarding Schools Exist. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Salem Academy
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 Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)

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Thana Semele
Wormwood Prefect
Wormwood Prefect
Thana Semele

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Join date : 2014-03-22
Age : 26
Location : Salem most days, ShadowBane Manor over Holidays.

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptySat Oct 11, 2014 1:21 am

Thana had been busy thinking about her future when a letter arrived for her through her open window. Quickly she took it from the familiar owl, it was Shawn's she was sure of it. Feeding the owl some treats she read the letter from her friend, asking how she was and if she wanted to catch up. She had written back saying she was alright and that she would be down in a few weeks if he wanted to meet her at Hogs Head.

A few weeks had passed and Thana was sitting in Hogs Head, busy writing reports and things. As a Prefect she had responsibilities that took most of her time during the week, so she caught up on the weekend and late at night. She was currently checking over the job directory, as she had no idea what she wanted to do. Thana was going to speak to several people about it, but for now she was doing her own research while waiting for her friend to arrive. An almost empty fruit smoothie sat next to her, and she had several books out and a notepad and pen.
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Shawn Travers
Hufflepuff Prefect
Hufflepuff Prefect
Shawn Travers

Posts : 57
Join date : 2014-02-24

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptyMon Oct 13, 2014 10:44 am

Shawn untied Thana's response from his owl and read it through, smiling. He hadn't seen her in way too long and it looked as if they would finally be able to hang out a little. Both of them were busy with classes and Prefect duties. When he read that she wanted to meet at the Hog's Head he couldn't help but chuckle, it was just like his friend to want to go there instead of The Three Broomsticks where most students go. Where didn't really matter to him though.

Time flew by and before he knew it Shawn was making his way down to Hogsmeade to meet his friend. It had gotten much colder recently so he had on his winter coat, gloves, and a scarf. Opening the door to the Hog's Head, he scanned the room and saw her poring over books with a notepad at the ready. He walked over and pulled up a chair. "What are you doing working Thana? You are supposed to be relaxing for once." he told her.
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Thana Semele
Wormwood Prefect
Wormwood Prefect
Thana Semele

Posts : 625
Join date : 2014-03-22
Age : 26
Location : Salem most days, ShadowBane Manor over Holidays.

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptyMon Oct 13, 2014 5:00 pm

"What are you doing working Thana? You are supposed to be relaxing for once."

Thana looked up and saw her friend, indicating for him to sit down. "I am relaxed, this is just me figuring out what to do with my life. " she answered, quickly packing the books up and tucking them away. It was good to see him again, she missed her friend. "How have you been?" Thana asked, curious as to how her friend was. They both knew each other's extra abilities and found them interesting.
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Shawn Travers
Hufflepuff Prefect
Hufflepuff Prefect
Shawn Travers

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Join date : 2014-02-24

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptyMon Oct 13, 2014 11:07 pm

"I am relaxed, this is just me figuring out what to do with my life."

As he took his seat he couldn't help but laugh a little. "Because that's a totally relaxing activity. I know what you mean though, I've been trying to figure that out as well. Making any progress?" Shawn asked. He still hadn't made his decision, but thankfully he had another year after this one to help him figure it out.

"How have you been?"

Now that was a good question, and one he didn't entirely know the answer to himself. "Well I've been super busy, like you I have prefect duties on top of classes. Try to make time for Lucy too, it's hectic. My headaches and migraines still crop up from time to time, though not quite as often as they used to so that's something. Pretty good overall, I suppose. What about you?"
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Thana Semele
Wormwood Prefect
Wormwood Prefect
Thana Semele

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Join date : 2014-03-22
Age : 26
Location : Salem most days, ShadowBane Manor over Holidays.

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptyTue Oct 14, 2014 12:03 am

"Because that's a totally relaxing activity. I know what you mean though, I've been trying to figure that out as well. Making any progress?"

"You should know me by now, I have to keep occupied. And as for a job I have idea. I don't know what I want to do." she admitted to her friend, "Would you like a drink and something to eat?" Thana asked as an afterthought.

Well I've been super busy, like you I have prefect duties on top of classes. Try to make time for Lucy too, it's hectic. My headaches and migraines still crop up from time to time, though not quite as often as they used to so that's something. Pretty good overall, I suppose. What about you?"

She nodded as he spoke, "At least you seem to be able to control what you feel a bit better now." she said, knowing they would both know what she meant. " Yeah I'm alright." Thana lied, then realised it wouldn't be the best to lie to someone who could sense what she felt. As he looked at her she looked down, fidgeting. "I'm not doing so well. Its hard. Harder then its ever been before, and now I have a faulty heart which is making even the most simple tasks impossible. And its getting harder to keep my gift under control." she admitted to her friend. She was wearing simple black clothing and had her hair half up in a messy pony tail of sorts.

What Thana is wearing,
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Shawn Travers
Hufflepuff Prefect
Hufflepuff Prefect
Shawn Travers

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Join date : 2014-02-24

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptyWed Oct 15, 2014 9:44 pm

"You should know me by now, I have to keep occupied. And as for a job I have idea. I don't know what I want to do."

The girl had a point, Shawn should have figured on her bringing stuff to keep busy. "You're right on that count, I know you don't like things to be, dare I say...boring." he said, laughing a little. "I'm right there with you, not sure what I want to do. Something to do with creatures would be good for me I think, or maybe Herbology, but no solid plans." he explained, thinking aloud a little.

"Would you like a drink and something to eat?"

At the mention of food and a drink he smiled widely. "Have you ever known a teenage boy not to want food?" he asked, teasing his friend a little. Shawn managed to get the attention of a waitress and she hurried over. Scratching his chin in thought when she asked what he wanted, he soon came up with an answer. "I'll have the house burger with chips and a side salad, to drink I'll have a butterbeer. Thanks for noticing me so quickly." he added, grateful for it. "Anything for you Thana?"

"At least you seem to be able to control what you feel a bit better now."

He nodded, remembering the time not too long ago when he had zero control over what he felt. Shawn's first three and a half years at Hogwarts had been some of the hardest in regards to that side of things. "It takes a lot of work, but I'm slowly starting to get the hang of it. Though I think no matter what the awareness will always be there, even if I can turn down the volume of it, in a way." he explained.

"Yeah I'm alright." With his sense he knew she wasn't telling the truth, and he waited for her to come clean. Shawn wouldn't pry, but Thana usually fessed up eventually and so she did. I'm not doing so well. Its hard. Harder then its ever been before, and now I have a faulty heart which is making even the most simple tasks impossible. And its getting harder to keep my gift under control."

Listening to what she was saying caused a frown to creep onto his usually cheerful face. Part of him wished she went to Hogwarts so he could be there for her in person instead of on the other side of a letter. Hogwarts was...well, it had become his home over the years. He reached over and gave her hand a friendly squeeze while his eyes locked onto hers. "You can do this Thana, I know it. I know it because you won't give up, and if you tried I'd come and pull you up to keep going. We're different...Merlin knows I'm probably faultier than you, but someday it might be a gift, crazy as that sounds. There are times when I've find mine helpful, so I can't help thinking yours might be too. Sorry, I'm rambling..." he said sheepishly, letting go of her hand.
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Thana Semele
Wormwood Prefect
Wormwood Prefect
Thana Semele

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Join date : 2014-03-22
Age : 26
Location : Salem most days, ShadowBane Manor over Holidays.

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptyWed Oct 15, 2014 10:20 pm

"I'll have the house burger with chips and a side salad, to drink I'll have a butterbeer. Thanks for noticing me so quickly." he added, grateful for it. "Anything for you Thana?"

"A chicken Salad and water for me please." Thana told the waiter, listening as Shawn spoke about things that he thought he might like. "Its not my fault I find things boring, I was planning on being an Auror, but I can't now with my heart. I am going to try work for the Ministry, someone has already put me forwards to work in International Department because someone found out I was multi Lingual. I just don't know, animals would suit you. " She agreed.

"You can do this Thana, I know it. I know it because you won't give up, and if you tried I'd come and pull you up to keep going. We're different...Merlin knows I'm probably faultier than you, but someday it might be a gift, crazy as that sounds. There are times when I've find mine helpful, so I can't help thinking yours might be too. Sorry, I'm rambling..."

"You ramble? Never." Thana said, listening to her friends words of wisdom. "The gift helps, but stress and school isn't easy. I miss having you to talk to every day." she admitted to her friend, looking into his eyes in return. "I miss having our midnight chats in person."
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Shawn Travers
Hufflepuff Prefect
Hufflepuff Prefect
Shawn Travers

Posts : 57
Join date : 2014-02-24

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptyWed Oct 15, 2014 10:43 pm

"Its not my fault I find things boring, I was planning on being an Auror, but I can't now with my heart. I am going to try work for the Ministry, someone has already put me forwards to work in International Department because someone found out I was multi Lingual. I just don't know, animals would suit you."

An Auror would have been right in her wheelhouse, but heart problems definitely didn't mix. Shawn tried to picture her in the International Department, exploring new countries. "It's a bummer about the Auror thing, I could see you as one. International Department would be pretty good though, exploring new countries. Granted you would be an assistant or something like that to start out, but that has possibilities." he told her, trying to cheer her up. "You think so? Working with dragons is one thing I've considered, haven't thought of others yet though..." Shawn admitted.

"You ramble? Never." Rolling his eyes, he couldn't help but chuckle. They both knew that he most assuredly did. "You're just nice about it." Shawn replied. "The gift helps, but stress and school isn't easy. I miss having you to talk to every day. I miss having our midnight chats in person." The stresses of school messed with him too, that was one thing a lot of sixth and seventh years had to handle. He smiled at the thought of their midnight chats. "School does that, yeah. I miss the chats too....But hey, at least we're prefects and can visit each other now and then. Who would have guessed that one, eh? Us pranksters with all the responsibilities." he said cheerfully.
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Thana Semele
Wormwood Prefect
Wormwood Prefect
Thana Semele

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Location : Salem most days, ShadowBane Manor over Holidays.

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptyWed Oct 15, 2014 11:02 pm

Thana listened as Shawn spoke about visiting new countries, "It would be good to visit the countries I learned the language for." she answered, "So far I have been to England, Ireland Scotland, America and England. "

School does that, yeah. I miss the chats too....But hey, at least we're prefects and can visit each other now and then. Who would have guessed that one, eh? Us pranksters with all the responsibilities

"Who would of thought. I was already a Prefect last year, to be honest I was surprised that they made me one at Salem. " Thana admitted, looking at her friend. "I think being a Prefect suits you"

It felt good talking with Shawn, even though they hadn't seen each other in ages it was easy to talk to him. It felt comfortable, she missed having him in classes and seeing him around. She also missed competing against him in Quidditch.
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Shawn Travers
Hufflepuff Prefect
Hufflepuff Prefect
Shawn Travers

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Join date : 2014-02-24

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptyThu Oct 16, 2014 9:42 pm

"It would be good to visit the countries I learned the language for. So far I have been to England, Ireland Scotland, America and England."

Knowing the language before going to the country was definitely a prudent thing to do. It wouldn't do to get lost and have no way to find your way about. "That's good starting with countries you know you can communicate in. Where do you think you would want to visit most if you could go anywhere? For me it would probably have to be Egypt or Greece, either would be amazing. Though granted I have no clue how to speak their languages as of yet." Shawn admitted, laughing a little.

"Who would of thought. I was already a Prefect last year, to be honest I was surprised that they made me one at Salem." "Well you may have a mischievous side, but they do need people with some wits after all. If I know you, if things got grim you'd be one of the few who would know how to handle it." he told her seriously. Thana wouldn't run from the danger, but she knew enough not to go rushing in. "I think being a Prefect suits you." At her words a bit of heat colored his cheeks. "If it does, that's probably because Lucy's a good influence on me. She keeps me in line. For some reason she wasn't letting me impart my pranking wisdom to the younger Hufflepuffs..." Shawn said with a sigh. He was mainly teasing, although a small part of him would always want to.
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Thana Semele
Wormwood Prefect
Wormwood Prefect
Thana Semele

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Location : Salem most days, ShadowBane Manor over Holidays.

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptyFri Oct 17, 2014 2:58 am

. "That's good starting with countries you know you can communicate in. Where do you think you would want to visit most if you could go anywhere? For me it would probably have to be Egypt or Greece, either would be amazing. Though granted I have no clue how to speak their languages as of yet."

Thana thought of her answer, she didn't really have anywhere she was super excited to go to. " Hmm I think I would like Italy. If you want some help learning either language let me know. " she offered to her friend.

At the mention of passing in his wisdom she shook her head. " I don't have to worry about that, there is a prank war going on between me and a younger boy in my house." Thana told Shawn, watching as their food arrived. " Thankyou " she told the waiter. " So you and Lucy huh, she's a nice girl. I took her to a concert a while ago." She mused to her friend, the girl was very nice and a good match for Shawn.
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Shawn Travers
Hufflepuff Prefect
Hufflepuff Prefect
Shawn Travers

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Join date : 2014-02-24

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptyFri Oct 17, 2014 11:08 pm

"Hmm I think I would like Italy. If you want some help learning either language let me know."

The offer was definitely a generous one, teaching someone a language was no easy task. At the same time, they were both terribly busy. "I would love some help learning both, but it may be best if we wait until summer to start working on it. That sound like a plan? Either that, or we may have to go on a celebratory trip together after graduation." Shawn told her with a smile. Traveling with her would certainly make for a fun adventure, he was sure.

"I don't have to worry about that, there is a prank war going on between me and a younger boy in my house."

As soon as the words prank war left her mouth the Hufflepuff's eyes lit up. He remembered a few of those in his younger years, and Shawn knew how they were a blast when done properly. "You lucky duck, make sure to get the trainee good for me. There is one younger student I've been thinking of passing on a few secrets to..." he admitted quietly, a smirk starting to appear.

"So you and Lucy huh, she's a nice girl. I took her to a concert a while ago."

A blush as well as a shy smile surfaced, and he nodded. There weren't enough words in their language for him to describe Lucy. "She's a real sweetheart. Definitely out of my league but I lucked out." he told her. "So when did you two go see a concert? Two of my favorite people hang out and don't even include me." Shawn teased, making a small tut sound.
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Thana Semele
Wormwood Prefect
Wormwood Prefect
Thana Semele

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Age : 26
Location : Salem most days, ShadowBane Manor over Holidays.

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 12:49 am

I would love some help learning both, but it may be best if we wait until summer to start working on it. That sound like a plan? Either that, or we may have to go on a celebratory trip together after graduation."

" Did you forget the whole Vampire in the pub incident in Ireland?" Thana asked her friend, rolling her eyes. " If we do go on another trip I am bringing you to Australia." She informed him, slowly eating her chicken salad

So when did you two go see a concert? Two of my favorite people hang out and don't even include me."

" When I found out she was a Lafayette follower. I took her to see his concert, and he was staying at my house so I surprised her and we all hung out for the night at my house. " she explained, then realised that he had been pulling her leg. "Funny . Really funny."
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Shawn Travers
Hufflepuff Prefect
Hufflepuff Prefect
Shawn Travers

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Join date : 2014-02-24

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptySun Oct 19, 2014 8:09 am

"Did you forget the whole Vampire in the pub incident in Ireland?" After a small pause, his friend continued on. "If we do go on another trip I am bringing you to Australia."

His friend didn't need to remind him about that night, that was one he doubted either of them would ever forget. "Of course not, but we kept our wits about us and came back whole. That's why I know you are good in sticky situations. Don't tell me you've gone and lost your nerve over in America." Shawn told her, raising one eyebrow for effect. It was easier to make light of it now, but both of them knew that they had been more lucky than most in Ireland. "I've always wanted to visit Australia too, even though it isn't on the tip top of my list. Count me in for that, and can we add in a New Zealand backpacking expedition?"

"When I found out she was a Lafayette follower. I took her to see his concert, and he was staying at my house so I surprised her and we all hung out for the night at my house." Listening to the story, he nodded and paid attention. That night did sound like a lot of fun, Shawn had to admit. Although he kept it a secret from everyone, he had a small musical side when his headaches calmed down enough for him to play. His friend soon caught on that he was joking about them not inviting him. "Funny . Really funny."

"Sounds like a pretty nice night out there. Why exactly was this Lafayette staying at your house, how do you know him?" he asked, as always curious about things he didn't know. Shawn was sure that if he hadn't gotten Hufflepuff, he would have been a Ravenclaw like his friend used to be. Smirking a little, he winked at his friend. "One of us has to be. Didn't mind hearing the story, though. I figured you hadn't known about us, or Lucy would probably be coming to me wanting to know just what I was thinking about some of those awesome pranks we pulled way back." he replied with a laugh.
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Thana Semele
Wormwood Prefect
Wormwood Prefect
Thana Semele

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Age : 26
Location : Salem most days, ShadowBane Manor over Holidays.

Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana)   Big Decisions, small talk. (Shawn and Thana) EmptySun Oct 19, 2014 8:06 pm

"Of course not, but we kept our wits about us and came back whole. That's why I know you are good in sticky situations. Don't tell me you've gone and lost your nerve over in America."

" It wasn't America" Thana said softly, since her injury she wasn't as willing to take risks. Quickly passing it off she thought about New Zealand " Of course, NZ'd is a must. Wait till you see the old Wizarding school, they hid it in Ayers Rock. It's not used anymore as the one in Tasmania is used because it's a better climate."Thana told him, rolling her eyes at her friend. " Do you ever stop eating ?" She asked, watching him practically devour the food in front of him.

"Sounds like a pretty nice night out there. Why exactly was this Lafayette staying at your house, how do you know him?"

" The World Famous Rock Star Lafayette Northman was staying at my house because it's away from his fans. Besides, we met when I was a kid and we just stayed friends ever since. He's not really as ... Well as much of a Rock Star when he is alone." She answered, enjoying the food and waiting for what other questions Shawn might have.
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