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Sixteen Years After the War has Ended, Two Wizarding Schools Exist. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Salem Academy
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 Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy

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Alexander Hamilton
Salem Professor
Salem Professor
Alexander Hamilton

Posts : 34
Join date : 2014-05-05

Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy Empty
PostSubject: Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy   Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy EmptyThu May 08, 2014 7:11 am

Alexander looked around at his newly acquired classroom, smiling to himself proudly. Yes, it had taken time, (a lot of time) but he had finally figured out that his passion was Alchemy. And what better way to divulge in his passion than by teaching? He waved his wand, and the chalk wrote in neat, cursive writing 'An Introduction to Alchemy' on the board. He had figured it'd be best for the younger years to first get a taste for the subject before diving into things too complicated. He'd start them off simple. He walked back to his desk and took a seat, waiting for his students to turn up.
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Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy   Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy EmptyThu May 08, 2014 9:18 am

Victoria skipped towards her next lesson with a smile on her face. Alchemy was something new to her, so she was most definitely looking forward to joining the class. As the witch opened the door, she noted the professor and smiled warmly up at him. "Good morning, professor! I'm Victoria, and can I just say, I am really looking forward to your lessons!" She explained, heading to her usual seat at the front of class.

Taking out her books and her notepad, Victoria waited for the lesson to begin with the enthusiasm that always accompanied the Wormwood.
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Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy   Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy EmptySat May 10, 2014 7:23 am

If only Callum knew the lengths she was going to to ensure he was a successful game, he'd be honoured - or horrified. First those stupid dancing lessons that landed her with a broken arm and now she was taking Alchemy. Pure-bloods made for rather extreme measures, she realized, but the challenge excited her.

Entering the class, she looked around and frowned, realizing the reason she was even standing in the doorway was not there yet. With a soft sigh, she also noted that Victoria was there. That girl really annoyed her. Moving to the front, she took a seat nearest to the isle, wondering when Callum would arrive.

In the meantime, she remove her writing materials and flashed a smile in the direction of the Professor. "Hello, Professor Hamilton! How are you today?" Not that she actually cared, but she figured if she could establish a good relationship with him, it would impress Callum. And as usual, everything she did revolved around her game.
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Callum Hunt
Nightshade Sixth Year
Nightshade Sixth Year
Callum Hunt

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Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy   Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy EmptyFri May 16, 2014 9:46 am

Callum took Alchemy as it was his favourite subject. He learned some of it at home, and wanted to continue his studies professionally at his school. He was ecstatic when he found out that they finally had a teacher to teach Alchemy. He made his way, eagerly, to the classroom and saw Jani and Victoria already present. He walked over to Jani and pulled his arms around her waist "Hello." he murmured softly before looking up to the teacher "And hello Professor," he straightened up "Victoria," he nodded to her.
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Alexander Hamilton
Salem Professor
Salem Professor
Alexander Hamilton

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Join date : 2014-05-05

Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy   Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy EmptyMon May 19, 2014 8:53 am

Alexander watched as his class filled with three students The first girl, Victoria, seemed very eager to learn about Alchemy, which made him feel happy, of course. He smiled happily at the girl.

"Good morning, professor! I'm Victoria, and can I just say, I am really looking forward to your lessons!"

"Good morning Victoria. I am really looking forward to teaching you as well," he said to the young, cheerful girl.

"Hello, Professor Hamilton! How are you today?"

"I'm very well today Janique," he replied "And you?" he inquired politely. He looked up as he saw a boy enter, heading straight for Janique before acknowledging anyone else.

"And hello Professor,"

"Hello Callum, I presume," he said. He clapped his hands together "Right, I think we've waited long enough. Um, I'm Professor Hamilton and I decided that for this first lesson, we'll be learning an Introduction to Alchemy. So just what it is, what sort of things you can expect from it. So, does anybody want to take a guess as to what sort of things we'll be learning during the course?" he asked the class.
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Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy   Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy EmptyMon May 19, 2014 11:40 am


Victoria waved to Callum, he was always polite and acknowledged her, no matter what the situation. She liked that about him. "Hi Callum!" The Wormwood replied, smiling towards Janique with a small greeting too. Before anything else could be said, however, the class was starting, and Victoria's attention moved straight to the professor, smiling warmly up at him in encouragement.

"So, does anybody want to take a guess as to what sort of things we'll be learning during the course?"

Raising her hand, Victoria waited to be called upon before she answered. "Alchemy is the study of the elements, I believe." The Wormwood supplied. "And a combination of Transfiguration, Potions and Healing. It's said to be one of the harder aspects of magic, because it combines some of the hardest elements in to one. I also know that we may be covering a potion that turns things to gold in later years."
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Alexander Hamilton
Salem Professor
Salem Professor
Alexander Hamilton

Posts : 34
Join date : 2014-05-05

Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy   Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy EmptyMon May 26, 2014 5:40 am

He grinned at the enthusiastic response he got from Victoria "Excellent explanation! Five points to Wormwood. And yes, later on, we will be learning how to make gold. It's what Alchemy's most known for. That and the Philospher's stone, and the elixir of life of course. But that stuff's advanced. Very, very advanced.

"Right," he clapped his hands together as he paced "Seeing as we're focussing on a mere introduction, we'll get into the juicy stuff later, I would like for each of you to tell me one fact about one of the most famous Alchemyst's of all time. Nicholas Flamel," he was smiling, almost in admiration as he talked about who was clearly his inspiration "Okay, I'll start the ball rolling. So, Nicholas Flamel was born in Paris, in 1327. So, Janique, can you tell me what was his occupation before he became an Alchemyst? I'll give you a clue, and if you need to, use the textbook, he was quite an educated man for his time."
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Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy   Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy EmptyMon May 26, 2014 7:03 am

Callum had come in, giving her a hug, and she smiled up at him. If it made Callum happy, then she wouldn't mind suffering through having to take Alchemy. Besides, she could always go to him asking for help, which would help her in her game. Planning her next moves in her head, she had missed the first question, but had heard Victoria answer it. Nodding along with the girl's answer, she waited for the Professor.

"So, Janique, can you tell me what was his occupation before he became an Alchemyst? I'll give you a clue, and if you need to, use the textbook, he was quite an educated man for his time."

How in Merlin's name was she supposed to know that? Resisting the temptation of rolling her eyes, she quickly flipped open her textbook, scanning the pages until she came across what she needed. "He was a successful French scrivener and manuscript-seller," she read aloud, then added, "So he was a scribe, basically."
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Alexander Hamilton
Salem Professor
Salem Professor
Alexander Hamilton

Posts : 34
Join date : 2014-05-05

Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy   Lesson 1 (1st-4th Years) An Introduction to Alchemy EmptyMon Jun 02, 2014 5:56 am

"Correct Janique," he smiled at her "Five points to Nightshade. Yes, Nicholas Flamel was a scrivener, very educated and extremely smart. A very admiral man. Unfortunately, he died in 1992, due to the destruction of the philospher's stone, which was keeping both him and his wife, Perenelle, alive." he glanced up at the time "Well, time does fly," he remarked "Okay, so we didn't get as much as I would've liked finished. So, I'm going to set you a bit of homework. I would like for you to write a short paragraph on Nicholas Flamel and his work, and why he was significant. The text book should be sufficient. Class dismissed." he said and returned to his desk.
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