Hogwarts, A Future
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Hogwarts, A Future

Sixteen Years After the War has Ended, Two Wizarding Schools Exist. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Salem Academy
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 Michelle Hastings

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Michelle Hastings
Wormwood Prefect
Wormwood Prefect
Michelle Hastings

Posts : 102
Join date : 2014-04-14

Michelle Hastings Empty
PostSubject: Michelle Hastings   Michelle Hastings EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 5:55 pm

Full Name: Michelle Isabelle Hastings
Birthdate: 24th June
Age: (if an adult)
Country of Origin: America
Current Home: Salem
General appearance:
Hair: Dark brown, and little bit curly.
Eyes: Also Brown
Body type: Slim
Special Features: Her ears are pierced.
Blood purity: Muggleborn
Sexual alignment: Heterosexual
Wand Type: Oak, Unicorn hair, unflexible, 10 inches.

Personality: Michelle is quite intelligent girl and she likes to read a lot. You could say she spends more time reading than spends it with her friends. Also she is very creative since she likes to write stories, even have tried to write song lyrics, she also plays guitar, what she learned to play from her own father when she was little, she also likes to draw. Actually she is very kind and friendly girl. Okay she can be mean or rude too of course when needed.

Background: Michelle was born as first kid to Eliza and Jonathan Hastings. Actually when she was born her parents weren't married yet, they were just engaged. They did got married when she was two months old, Elle did went to their parents wedding but she did spent most of times of ceremony with her grandma Clarissa.

She was raised by her mother and grandma basically. Her father wasn't home so much, he was busy with his work, he works as layer, and he has quite many clients all the time. Didn't had that much time for kid. Girl did miss her father most of times. But now Jonathan tries to find time for his kids. Oh and when Michelle was 9 she had younger sister Maribelle.

Elle and her sister did get along quite well, even if they fight sometimes since they have like 9 years difference and they think differently already. Maribelle is little bit to childish for Michelle. When she was 11 she got letter from Hogwarts and everyone were surprised about it back then but they decided that she will go to there. And now she has been her like five years. Also her little sister have had shown signs of magic in her.

Mother: Eliza Hastings / 35 / Living  / Muggle
Father: Jonathan Hastings / 36 / Living / Muggle
Sister: Maribelle Hastings / 7 / Living  / Muggleborn
Pet: Clairy / 6 / Living  / Owl
Grandma: Clarissa Hastings / 62 / Living / Muggle

Family Background: Michelle parents met in muggle high school. They were good friends in school days but after graduating they dated for two years, that was time when they had Michelle and then decided to get married. Eliza and Jonathan married when Michelle was two months old girl. Like 9 years later they had other daughter, who they named Maribelle.

Last edited by Michelle Hastings on Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:37 am; edited 2 times in total
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Azalea Harrington
Azalea Harrington

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PostSubject: Re: Michelle Hastings   Michelle Hastings EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 6:26 pm

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